Two rivers concert band

The Concert Band is a large wind orchestra. Its director is the wind and brass player, choral singer and freelance musician Gregory Moor. Its repertoire includes orchestral arrangements, music from stage and screen and original compositions for wind orchestra. The Band performs two or three formal concerts each year, and on local bandstands during the summer. It was delighted to be one of six ensembles chosen for the Making Music 'Adopt a Composer Project" for 2018-19.


Two rivers swing band

The Swing Band is directed by the trumpet player and jazz arranger Trevor Vincent. It plays classic big band and jazz numbers along with some Latin and Rock ’n Roll. Many of these are Trevor's own arrangements for the Band. The Swing Band holds at least two dances each year, which are the highlight of its calendar. It also plays on local bandstands, at concerts, festivals and other community events.

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